Happy New Year everyone!! I was asleep by 10:00PM on the Eve and didn't greet the New Year until about 8:30 this morning! Now, that is, by my definition, a swell New Year's Eve party! I was doing my favorite thing at the stroke of midnight! SLEEPING!!!
Now this New Year's morning, I am sitting at my kitchen table, in the sunlight, planning my 2010! I am amazed!!! 2010....remember 2000? Everyone worried about, what was it?... oh yes, Y2K!!
Here is my list for all to see..I am putting it "out there" in an attempt that it will actually force me to follow through! At the end of the year, I will welcome any "I told you so" comments!
January: Reduce clutter around house! Give away approximately 45 coats and jackets as I received the ultimate coat as a Christmas gift..the "North Face Metropolis parka, in Bittersweet Brown Size Small" I plan to wear it forever and will not need any other winter coats except for the Patagonia Down jacket that my son and DIL gave me a two years ago. (Thanks kids, I love it!!)
February: Organize paperwork, file the past three years of receipts, boat/car/trailer titles etc that have been stacked on my desk for so long that they are musty and decaying! Also, attend Saddle Up, in Pigeon Forge,staying at the beautiful home of my friend Sharon, right in the Smokey Mountains!
March: Yard work! A must!!!..we have a retaining wall that is falling down and must be re-built and new landscaping before we can sell this place and build our lake cottage.
New grand baby (a boy) due on March 17th, so this month will involve a lot of shopping for blue items and cute little baby boy camo clothes!
April: Tax Time! A month filled with angst and regret as we fork over a boatload of money to the government to be wasted on programs that are inefficient and futile! High point of the month? A trip to Kodiak, Alaska to see our grandchildren! (and their mom and dad!) Also, the Kentucky Derby!! Box seats with my cuz, bro, husband and us wives! A great ( except for that tax thing!) busy month!!
May: Spring cleaning and a decision sell now or spring 2011, will dominate this month! My husband's birthday, which I will celebrate without him in Kauai ( sorry honey!) with 10 of my best girlfriends! And then Memorial Day weekend which is spent at Pere Marquette State Park, with my family, a little mini-reunion each year.
June: Serious work on summer fun, starting with a float trip with hubby and friend, Cheri and her clan. Possibly a visit from my youngest son as a bud of his is getting married....I think it is the first of his group to tie the knot!
July: Hot days, high electric bills and wilting flowers! Thanks goodness for swimming pools and lakes! Many birthdays this month..Chuck, MaryK, Nicki, my Mom, my Sis, our dog Peggy Sue ( she will be 15, I hope!)
August: More hot weather, lots of camping, kayaking and finally giving up on trying to keep the flowers on the porch alive. I am usually tired of summer by now and starting to dream of fall, my favorite season!
September: Time to get serious about house work again after playing all summer! Fall house cleaning, review of the budget to get ready for the end of the year crunch and my my baby's birthday! ( he will be 24years old!)And a camping trip or two!
October: My favorite month!!!! White-Buffalo River camping, buying pumpkins and straw bales to decorate, making soups and listening to the Canada geese fly over the Lake.
November: My fifty fifth birthday (but who is counting?)My life is surely half over by now, I better get busy and really enjoy it!! LOL
December: This is always a tough month for me...I love the meaning of Christmas but I struggle with the reality of decorating, gifts etc. I cry when I hear Christmas carols and I don't like for my family to buy me Christmas gifts...I always want them to save their money. I think it just goes back to my childhood and the way Christmas was celebrated at my house...their were some confusing inconsistency (psycho-babble!) I am always so joyful when Christmas is behind us and we are moving on!
Well, to those readers that made it through this long boring post, I thank you for your kindness and understanding! I love to write, some days seem more creative then other days. My writing is sincerely from my heart!
May you have a Happy and Satisfying New Year!!!