Monday, June 29, 2009

Goodbye, my wonderful Compaq Presario "RIP"

If you have ever suffered the loss of a computer, you will feel my pain!

Sunday, my computer died. It was a sad day. It had been sick for a long time and it just couldn't go on. "Pres" ( my Compaq laptop) had been my faithful friend for SEVEN years!!! I know! Hard to believe. About three years ago ,the battery ceased to hold a charge. I went into one of the office stores, hoping to replace the battery...they just laughed at me!!!

Well, I just went back home, plugged it into an electric outlet and kept going. About a year later, I was having trouble with the power cord. I didn't bother to ask at the office store, my pride couldn't take it. I talked privately to my computer whiz son and he fixed me right up with a little pigtail connection that overcame the issues we were having.

In fact me and Pres, kept going for another two years. But Sunday, the writing was on the wall. Or should I say, the typing was on the screen....Pres wasn't going to come out of it...he was just too far gone. So my wonderful Compaq Presario, who never even had a service call in seven years, has moved on to Electronic Heaven...... I miss him already!!!!

I spent all day today, buying a new one, removing my data from Pres and trying to figure this HP thing out. I am not going to allow myself to get close to this, one heartbreak over a laptop is enough for my life time!!!

I will say the painless thing was the can buy almost everything online ...."docs island time travel" has a great shopping connection...totally free to you, but you must be I am inviting you!!! you will see a short video and have the opportunity to sign back, occasional free shipping, there are 600 stores and this web site links you directly to the store site, it is just a great resource for saving money and getting the best price.

Well technology marches on!!! I am trying my best to keep up!!!

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