This has been an poignant Veteran's Day. So soon after the incidence at Fort Hood, it has caused us to pause and think about and value the commitment of both women and men that have served, are serving and will serve in the future, to ensure our freedom and the great liberties we enjoy and so often take for granted.
Tonight scrolling through Facebook, I was overwhelmed reading the posts of so many expressing their thanks, prayers and kind thoughts to Veterans, Active Service and their families. I felt a chill of humility when I read over and over as writers expressed thought from the heart. It gave me faith that our country will survive the many challenges that we are facing.
I am very proud of my family's part in serving our country. My father, Nelson, served in the Army as a young Private, during the War. My brother, Lee, served in the National Guard, during the post Vietnam Era. My brother-in-law, Dale was a Navy Seal in Vietnam. Brother-in-law, Bobby served and was wounded in Vietnam. My father-in-law, Glen, while serving as a pilot in the Army Air Corp was shot down over Germany. He survived, but was held for one year as a prisoner of war, in a German prison camp.
After he was reported as MIA and suspected as dead, his wife Mattie Lee never gave up hope. He returned home to Mattie and the two of them raised five children and had a full life. It was his retirement years before he would talk of the war and his prison experiences. He had the POW license plates and proudly wore his POW ball cap.
His son Jim, my husband, served as a Corp man in the Coast Guard. Our son, David is a Lieutenant in the Coast Guard, our daughter-in- law, Krysten, also a LT is in the Coast Guard Reserves, having just completed her Tour of Duty.
My list could go on and on to include Uncles and even Aunts, who served in the Wacs! Recently, I learned a sad fact....a friend of mine lost her college sweetheart/husband when he was sent to Vietnam and was killed in action.
I wanted to write this tonight to think about how many lives have been touched directly by those who have served their country. I believe in my heart there is no more noble calling then those who choose to serve their country and offer to pay the ultimate price for our freedom.
May God Bless and Protect the Military and their families!!!
"And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free......"
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That's a lot of Military history for one family. Thanks to all of them and God Bless your family for their sacrifices.