Still snowed in at Lake Perry, we decided to watch a movie. My husband had brought along a varied selection ranging from scary and suspenseful to sappy and sad! He tried to bring movies that he knew I would enjoy. Well, "Vertical Limit" was in the stack and it seemed like a natural in this snowy setting.
If you haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend it. It is thrilling with a slightly evil twist to the plot. as a self-centered billionaire attempts to conquer the mountain.
The Karakoram Range in Pakistan, is the setting, K-2 the destination, a 28,250 foot mountain range.
Sometime during the movie,( I think it was when the climbers decided they were going to ration the water) my husband decided we should make snow ice cream!!! How decadent!!! We are so lucky! Here we are in a warm cabin, at an altitude of approx 1000 feet! We are not rationing water but we beginning to wonder if the wine is going to last! Not to mention the Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum!!!
Doc bundled up and headed for the door with a big plastic bowl. I reminded him to take the flashlight, so maybe we could avoid any yellow snow!
He returned and whipped up a big bowl of eggnog/spiced rum flavored snow ice cream. It was so good, we devoured it. I had never had snow ice cream but had read about it when I was young. I also recall reading the story of maple syrup candy...the hot maple syrup would be drizzled over ice cream and harden into little ribbons of deliciousness!
Snow ice cream..who knew?!
I hope your rum holds out! The snow ice cream sounds delicious.