I won!! I won!! I won!! I won!! I won!! I won!! I won!! I won!!
I won the raffle!! And really!! It wasn't "fixed"! Yes, I did organize the event, but I think it helped that my husband bought $60.00 worth of raffle tickets!! I wasn't even thinking about it when the ticket was drawn, but, apparently, he had already decided that I was going to win!!
You would have to know my husband to understand this way of thinking!!!! Once he has decided that something is going to happen, it just does!! He calls it "the power of positive thinking". He also calls it setting goals! Making it happen!!
I call it "Dumb Luck" !!! But maybe it really isn't so dumb..I am re-adjusting my way of thinking about things and every day I am growing stronger and more positive!!!
Wow!! And I won!! I won!!! I won!!
This is a Henry Lever Action.22 "Made in America and Priced Right"!!
Walnut stock, grooved for a scope! ( that would be a birthday present hint, hint) Extremely smooth action ( well, we will
see, I haven't shot it yet!) 15 rounds, shoots .22 short, long or long rifle
That rocks!! Can't wait to go to the range and try it out.
And really the raffle was fair and square and I am so sorry for "all ya all" that didn't win!! Come back next year to try again!!!
You lucky girl...woo hoo!!! Sheryl