Pictured:Doc and Janetsue celebrating their latest successes with YTB! Coach's Corner and on our way to National Sales Directors!!!
Our team is driving back from St Louis in the Docs Island Time Travel Taxi. The 2009 YTB annual convention has drawn to a close and it was an incredible weekend!
"Taking Care of Business" was the awesome name of this year's gathering! And that is what this company is doing! YTB is taking care of business!!! This company is on target to be the largest online retail distribution center in the world in the next few years!!! These are exciting times for this amazing company, led by visionary leaders. YTB is a publicly traded company, 25th largest company in the world in travel sales, offers incredible prices on amazing trips and vacations for their business owners and customers. The benefits and compensation package is unbelievable and the leadership of this company has pledged to build YTB even greater with the 2020 Vision/YTB 2.0 ........ 10,0000 millionaires in the next ten years.
Doc and I are totally excited about this company and the opportunity it offers us to develop our Plan B!
Wondering about Plan B? Plan B is your financial back up, your lifeline, your extra! It is the Plan that allows you to build for your retirement, plan that special trip or put a child or grandchild through college. Are you wanting to fire your boss?
Have you wished you could own your own business? Work from home?
Then you owe it to yourself to take a look at this company! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Call me..I can send you to an online site that will answer most of your questions.
Janetsue 816 305 5872
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