Well, I got my "Threes" in! Let me explain....you know how it is said that things "come in threes"? Well, today my third event occurred..I dropped off Sheryl #777 at the airport. I helped her carry her bags to the door and said goodbye with a hug. Walking back to my illegally parked vehicle at the curb side, to see another car driven by an elderly man, backing into my truck!
I yelled "Stop, STOP" and even pounded on his car, but he just kept backing. Crunch, there went my license plate and the holder just tore away from the bumper. He got out of his car and limped back, looked at me. ( my mouth was open in disbelief) He reached out and handed me the broken plate and what used to be a part of my truck bumper. He said, "I was just trying to get out of the way." I am not certain what he was trying to get out of the way from...but I looked at my bumper and it appeared as minimal damage..so I decided to give the old fella a break.
I took the plate, shook his hand and said " don't worry about it". As he pulled away, I jotted his license plate on a tablet, just in case...then I drove over to Dick Smith Ford where they fixed me right up....when I went to pay, they said "No Charge". I felt like I had been released from all the crazy things that have happened in the past week and that my "set of threes" was resolved. Life could continue as sweet and uncomplicated as always before!!!
Crazy things that happened last week? Well, I almost got my trailer stuck in a car wash (moronic) and I had a blow out on my truck tire, while I was towing my trailer home, on the highway at 60mph ( scary!) So getting hit by this senior didn't surprise me in the least!! I am thankful that all my incidences ended with the only injury being my hurt pride!!!
Click on my link to Grooveshark.."Flow River Flow" The Ballad of Easy Rider