Oh my goodness! Technology is wonderful! I* finally have an I* phone and I* think I* love it! I* am not certain yet, because I* haven't learned exactly how to use it. As a matter of fact, I* haven't even learned inexactly how to use it! LOL!!! But I* am trying!!!
The first thing I* noticed is ..I* have really fat fingers!! I* am a terrible typist and that little screen presents plenty of challenge even for the most skilled!!!
The second thing..the minute you hold it to your ear, the screen disappears, which totally un-nerved me....if you hold it level you can see the screen again, that seems too elusive for me. Being a hip-type, modern woman, I* am trying to adapt. It is hard to be cool though when you are constantly disconnecting phone conversations.
Ah...practice makes perfect!!! I* understand how to check my e mails, but not how to browse the net. ( a recent article posted on Yahoo warned to never say "cruise the net" Apparently that phrase is outdated and not cool. Also never say PDA, it is now a "smart phone", who knew?!)
And speaking of "smart"....my husband chose the hot pink case for me...obviously he still thinks of me in "feminine, pink terms"!!! Thank goodness!!!!
I* have set aside this weekend to learn how to use the I* tunes function..it will probably take at least a 48 hour tutorial and practice session, based on my current learning curve!!!
Ah...( again) Technology!!! Ain't it great!!!??? I* grew up with a "party line". Does anyone re-call those!!!???? The I* Phone is a giant step forward for an "HO-24724" child. Also stated as Howard-24724. Remember those phone numbers?
And when we lived at the Lake, we only had to dial the last four numbers to call anyone of the small community...it was a tiny phone district and everything was 578- prefix..therefore, you just picked up the phone and dialed 4452 or 5678 or whatever four numbers, and someone would say hello on the other end. That is, if they held the can with the string tight enough!!!
**** Note the Multiple I*(s)...was the name for the phone chosen based on how much of I* is involved? I wonder?
Click on my music link.."Just called to say...."
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