I chose "Blurred" as my title tonight for a couple reasons.
First....the obvious..my fantastic pic of this lovely creature is BLURRED!!! Darn!! All because I am still using a little point and shoot instead of taking the plunge and purchasing the 35mm digital with a proper zoom!!!! Frustrating and Stupid!!
Second..... my vision is blurred a bit tonight...a result of extreme fatigue (end of the work week, ya know) and that second glass of wine tonight, which will give me the fortitude to "Carry On" That sounds a bit dramatic, but I am trying to tie in my whole Crosby, Stills Nash and Young theme!
Third...... time just flys by, doesn't it!!?? I heard "Wooden Ships" at the Mall yesterday, when shopping with my son....it is such a haunting piece, I couldn't wait to get home and research it..I hadn't heard the song in a very long time. When I read the description of it and saw that it had been written in 1968, I was taken aback!! It couldn't possibly be that long ago!! 41 years !!!! Impossible!! Could it be that the years have flown?
I grew up listening to Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. Then, in 1992 or 1993, I heard them at Starlight (I think it was just CSN)..they were absolutely unbelievable. That same summer, I heard the Allman Brothers at Starlight. It was a trip down memory lane, even in 1992!
So I guess, in summary, I will just say....life is blurry...things are happening so fast!!! We must enjoy and be grateful for every second, every minute, because this is the real thing! We are not going to get a second chance, at least not here on Earth.
I am going out there and enjoy the blurr!! Even on the last work day of the week, before a holiday weekend!! Rock ON!!!
Click on the Wooden Ships link!! Turn on your speakers!! Loud!!!
Hey JS,,I am with you in spirit!!!!See you soon..S.