Season 3 Episode 4..... Come on!! You know what I am writing about!!! The best sitcom on TV from 1990 to 1995!! Remember Chris? Maggie? Joel?
Yes, you got it!! "Northern Exposure"....and now you can buy all six seasons on DVD!!! I am really looking forward to Valentine's Day or Mother's Day or Christmas or my birthday or SOMETIME that I can justify spending $150.00 on the complete set!!!
I was ecstatic when I saw this taxidermy ( LOL) hanging on the wall at the Grainery Saloon last don't see that everyday in Kansas!!! A lot of bucks and big fish and an occasional turkey but a moose is something special!!!
I found a website on line and took the quiz on Northern Exposure trivia..i did better then I thought I would!!! There are a lot of fun trivia quizs on the site...I will probably start getting all sorts of spam from them now!!! Oh well... goes well with mooseburgers!!! Okay here is the quiz with my answers..I got ten out of fifteen correct, so I think I did pretty well!!!
1. How many scolarship applications did Joel say he sent off before Alaska offered him funding?
Your Answer: 75
75 applications, only one replied.
38% of players have answered correctly.
2. How long will Joel have to work in Alaska to pay off the money they lent him?
Your Answer: 5 years
The correct answer was 4 years.
He says he will be an 'indentured slave'.
41% of players have answered correctly.
3. Joel and Elaine checked out Anchorage last summer and decided that... What?
Your Answer: it was definitely do-able.
Joel decides it can't be that bad, after all, 'Anchorage isn't Cambodia.'
61% of players have answered correctly.
4. Who is the first Cicely resident that Joel meets?
Your Answer: maggie
The correct answer was Ed.
Ed appears driving Maurice's truck. He drives Joel a short way, (impressing him with his in-depth knowledge of TV hospital dramas) then jumps out and leaves Joel to go the rest of the way alone.
50% of players have answered correctly.
5. What is the first thing we see Maurice do?
Your Answer: put away a large rifle
The correct answer was abseil from a flagpole.
Maurice was just putting up a new flag. We see a shot of his rifles shortly after, and then he drives Joel to town.
35% of players have answered correctly.
6. When does Maurice say that Cicely was founded?
Your Answer: 97 years ago
It was founded by Cicely and Roslyn (who were 'just good friends' according to Maurice.)
33% of players have answered correctly.
7. What does Maurice NOT say that Joel's new office needs?
Your Answer: a coat of paint
The correct answer was an assistant.
He has already hired Marilyn as an assistant, but claims the place will be fine once the other things are sorted out. Joel is not convinced.
51% of players have answered correctly.
8. What title had Shelly just won when she first came to Cicely?
Your Answer: Miss North West Passage
Holling tells Joel that Maurice brought Shelly to Cicely, but that she later came to Holling to say that 'she would be mine if I wanted her.' Because he did want her, Maurice had warned Holling that he would shoot him, if Holling tried to speak to him.
65% of players have answered correctly.
9. When Joel is in the bar, he answers a phone call for... Who?
Your Answer: Clem
He wondered what Clem was short for. And he told him to be quick, because he was waiting for a call from his attorney.
56% of players have answered correctly.
10. What item of clothing from Columbia University does Joel wear?
Your Answer: sweatshirt
He mentions being a graduate of Columbia several times too.
78% of players have answered correctly.
11. How far does Ruth-Anne say it is to town from Joel's house?
Your Answer: 12 miles
The correct answer was 7 miles.
He ran all the way, and asked for a bus schedule so that he could leave town right away. Maybe he was frightened away by Ruth-Anne's exciting "Born to Bingo" shirt.
40% of players have answered correctly.
12. What item does Joel ask for in the store, that Ruth-Anne has never heard of?
Your Answer: bagel and cream cheese
He looks disgusted when Ruth-Anne answers 'What's a bagel?'
85% of players have answered correctly.
13. Which of these was NOT a patient at the surgery on Joel's first day?
Your Answer: a girl with an aversion to shellfish
An aversion to shellfish was a symptom of glacier dropsy, which Joel suffered from later in the series.
62% of players have answered correctly.
14. Joel tries to appear tough, and tells Maurice that he has... done what at midnight?
Your Answer: walked down 42nd Street
Maurice doesn't seem very impressed though...
31% of players have answered correctly.
15. What feature does a drunk Joel compliment Maggie on?
Your Answer: her red lips
He throws up right afterwards. After mistaking her for a hooker at their first meeting, Joel does not get off to a great start with Maggie!
54% of players have answered correctly.
Click on the groooveshark link for the "Northern Exposure" song!!!
OH MY GOSH!!! My husband's family all live in Washington, so when we vacationed there in the summer of I think 1994, and one place I insisted we visit was... you guessed it, Roslyn, Washington! Got to watch some filming, wander around, and buy goofy souvenirs. I still have my thermal mug, sadly, the t-shirt finally wore out. Do we know how to vacation or what! Yes! Thanks for the memory!! Joyce Sister #425, Tehachapi, CA