Filberth's Folly strikes again! And this time in the form of a 1998 30 foot travel trailer! Yes, I know......GROSS!!!! REALLY GROSS!!!!
I can only blame myself for this purchase..this trailer was an incredible bargain, found when my husband was out of town. (that teach him to leave me alone!!!) I have great plans for this will find it's home this summer at Perry Lake and be our little "Summer Place". When we start our "house build" next year, this gem will keep us close to the construction process and provide a place to rest our heads in between houses!! It is in great condition, looks like it was gently used...we just can't wait to try her out when the weather warms up!!!! Complete with a Queen size bed and a full is really something! ( at least from my perspective)
So, a whole new way of in the future for us!! We are going to revolutionize trailer park life!!! They won't know what hit, when the Filberths move into the neighborhood!!! There will be Wine Tastings, Travel Parties and Nutrition Lectures, not to mention a whole lot of boating and swimming going on!!!
"Trailers for sale or rent...."
King of the Road by Roger Miller click on my Grooveshark Link
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