I was just taken by surprise today by a Random Act of Kindness. It was just a small thing, but such a kind gesture from a thoughtful young man.
I stopped at the Corner Cafe in Independence at the end of my day for a quick bite to eat. It wasn't really the end of my day....I had been up since busy since 8:30 this morning and I still would be busy until 8:30 tonight. I was tired and hungry and decided to have some of my favorite comfort food.....chicken and noodles ( see post" The Chicken and Noodle Diet")
I wasn't able to eat them all. In fact, I could only eat about one fourth..I was actually just too tired to eat. I know that sounds pitiful but it is true!!!
The young server came over, about my son's age. He said.."you didn't save room for dessert, did you?" I shook my head ruefully and maybe my smile was sad, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed and tired, but yet happy....I know that really doesn't make sense, but that is true too. I asked for a box to take my dinner home, and paid him for my meal. He came back with a box and a question...." what is your favorite pie?" I told him "I don't eat pie", he knew that wasn't the truth, he could tell from looking at me!!!!
He said, "No, really! If you were going to eat a piece of pie, what would it be?"
I just gave in and said "apple"
A few minutes later he appeared with a piece of pie and a clean fork and napkin. He just smiled at me and said "Enjoy"
And that is true! I just thought it was an incredibly kind, nice thing to do for me a tired, middle-aged nurse, sitting there, alone, in my Hospice uniform scrubs.
It really makes me feel happy and joyously tearful that there ARE kind people in this world. He is a gem!!! He is a diamond!!!!
Thank you God, for giving us this wonderful world!!!!
The Lord is my Light and my Salvation
Psalm 27:1