My goal has been to "blog daily". A better goal would be to exercise daily. Or clean the house daily. Maybe, to wash clothes daily. Remember "Dear Diary"?! A lot of us "gals born in the 50's" kept diaries. I had one with a lock on it..I kept the key around my neck, so my brothers couldn't read it. Truth is, they probably didn't want to but I would have been mortified if they had!!! I even had a list, right on the inside front cover, of "boys I have kissed" and "boys I would like to kiss". The first list had two names, the second list had about 25 and most of them were TV stars and Super- Heros.
My point???...blogging is the new age diary, better then the second generation journaling or the third generation dear diary. It gives us a chance to write, express ourselves and hope that some one will read it and laugh, cry or get mad and call us "ridiculous waste of airtime"!!! For those of us that love to write, the blog gives us opportunity to publish our work, even if read by only a few!!!!
Why the pic of the beer? I was going to write about food and beverage but after one sip, I started to wax poetic.
Check back tomorrow...I am going to talk about food and tell you my favorite blog of all!!! I read it daily!! ( Hint, it is not mine and there are just the best recipes ever there!!!!)
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