As you know, we love our camping trips!!! They are all about getting together with friends, enjoying the great outdoors, campfires and the FOOD!!!!
We have found, number one, we always bring way too much!!! Number two, a lot of the gals really enjoy cooking for others, so meal preparation becomes a event in itself!!First, we congregate around the picnic table, which, of course, has a table cloth( plastic) and flowers( real)...we have a glass of "something" ( which can range from "sody pop" to beer or wine). Then we start to cook!!!!! The fun begins!!!!!
Here is a copy of a recent organizational E mail I sent out to the camping girls.
"Just a suggestion about meals at Roaring River! I have taken the liberty of assigning meals...if anyone has other suggestions or not happy let me know, we will switch it around!
Friday Dinner: Carolyn, Cheri and Lucy (Some of the gals may not be in until later, so we could heat it up if need be, for them)
Saturday Breakfast:Connie and Judy
Saturday Lunch: Janetsue and MaryKathryn
Saturday Supper: Laureen, Trudy and "Janet Too" ( Laureen feel free to make your stew or pot roast YUM!!!)
Sunday Breakfast: Laureen always makes pancakes!!! JanetToo bring syrup
Janetsue bring vegie sausage
Karen bring bacon Lucy bring Juice
MaryK bring fruit Judy bring hostess donuts!!!
Everyone bring just one bag of your favorite chips, nuts or crackers to share
Karen would you bring a dessert or two ( or a package of cookies) for the entire weekend?
Everyone might want to bring a little bread and peanut butter or lunch meat ( just enough for you) in case something "flops!"
And of course everyone bring their own water and adult beverages
We always have way too much food, so go easy!! And we do have a few dietary restrictions, some of the gals don't eat pork or shell fish
That being said, get together and plan whatever you want to have! the sky is the limit!!! Dutch ovens are acceptable!!
Also maybe we will catch a trout! And lucy said she would clean it and cook it!!!! LOL
And if you want to tell me to go jump in the River, that's okay!!! But then you get to do the food assignments!!!!LOL"
See!! That is how we do it!!!!
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