"Woof" translates to "dog" in our grandbaby's language!
This is BettyJane, our chocolate lab. She is eleven years old...we also have her cousin, PeggySue!!! Peggy is a yellow lab and is fourteen years old!! In people years, that would be 98 years old! Wow!!!! And she still has her own teeth!
Today I had a run in with a dog. I got bit! Yes, I am fifty three years old and have never been bit by a dog!!! Until today!!! LOL
Oh well! The doctor said I will probably be okay and live to be bit again!!!
But kidding aside, the authorities take dog bites very seriouly. I had no idea, but the doctor said he is required by law to report dog bites. Then they are investigated by Animal Control. Oh dear! I hate that it all caused so much trouble to me and the dog and especially the family. I just hope he doesn't have rabies! If I start foaming at mouth, someone please tell me and take me to the hospital!!!
Doesn't matter!! I still love dogs.....just not that little "woof"!!!!
I still cannot believe that happened! Thank God we have such GREAT dogs!