Every day is a new day for me in many ways! Especially in the hair category. Since the day the song,"Take the Ribbon from Your Hair" became permanently embedded in my brain, I have made the commitment to let my hair grow long! Don't laugh!! I can imagine pulling a beautiful Satin ribbon through my graying, split-end locks and just decided that was my next goal this year and into 2010.
So now I am fighting the battle of in- between...not long, not short, what's a girl to do??? I will keep you posted on this important life changing event!!! LOL
I posted the pic, MaryK took it when we were camping a few weeks ago, I thought it was a nice tousled effect!!! I had been concentrating on tying a fishing lure and drinking a Woodchuck Hard Cider. MaryK reminded me that I had been working on that same knot for about an hour......this fishing stuff is not easy, ya know!
Bet you haven't heard this in a while!!!
Click on the Grooveshark link "Almost Cut my Hair Today"
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