No I didn't eat the Indian Corn! However, after my post from yesterday, you probably have the opinion that I will eat anything!! ( see "Dining Alone") And FYI, I did eat the leftovers tonight, as hubby is working late again....don't worry..he is just loves his work!!! Really!!! LOL
Meanwhile, back to the Corn....I went to the front porch to water my mums this evening and found my Autumn decorations scattered around the porch. The gourds were rolled around and the little pumpkin was knocked over..but the Indian corn was the most disturbed!! Look how some little critter had just gnawed it right off the cob!!! I thought that was so strange and funny! Last summer I noticed a little chipmunk "thingy", some variety of a rodent running about the porch and yard. I suspect he has moved in for the duration and had a nice feast on Fall decorations.
I remember another time a chipmunk "thingy" entered my life. We were at the YMCA of the Rockies with a group from our old neighborhood, Lake Lotawana. There were about eight of us staying in a cabin together....a single dad and his son ( Hi, Colby and Don!), a single mom and her son ( Hi Chris and Zach, I miss you guys!)me, my two boys, ( my hard working husband was at home, doing, guess what? working!!) and a few random, nice kids that we had brought along to share in the fun.
One evening that little chipmunk "thingy" got into the cabin and we couldn't get him out! He was running wild through the cabin, jumping off furniture and running circles around the kids, while they attempted to corral him into a box. We hadn't caught him by bedtime and I was terrified thinking he might be chewing on my ear in the middle of the night. I have been afraid of those little chipmunk "thingys" ever since that sleepless night.
And now to think I have been inadvertently feeding the little evil fella!!!
Go figure!! Can't wait to see what he will do with my Christmas decorations!!!
click on the the Grooveshark link: The Chipmunks "Christmas Don't be Late"
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