Another great Friday after work shopping trip to the Goodwill. I scored this nice tea pot for MK for her vintage camper...MinnieHaHa. The tea pot is in just perfect condition and "Made in America", which is now rare. and the price was right...$3.00!
MK loves her cup of tea at camp. While most of us are drinking beer or wine, she is pristinely sipping on a cup of herbal tea. I couldn't drink that stuff unless it had a shot of Vodka or Rum, but then it wouldn't be healthy, would it?!
I had been looking for a while, thinking she should have a tea pot dedicated to her camper..she has been hauling hers from home and the more stuff we can leave permanently in our campers, the easiest it is to leave on a minute's notice! If I could figure out how to keep my clothes in the camper and stock the non perishables, it would be great.
I kept trying to plan this afternoon so I could still make it away for the weekend..but just couldn't get it done. Plenty to look forward to in the next few weeks, so I am not going to complain .....Halloween weekend at Lake Perry, a trip to Key West in November, a short cruise in December, "Saddle Up" in Feb in the Smokey Mountains and Hawaii in May.. and, of course, there is that trip to Alaska this spring to see my new little grand baby!!!
Listen to "Tea for Two" click on my link!!!
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