Friday, June 25, 2010

Murphy's Law

What happens when you are scheduled to have a houseful of company, family that you haven't seen in ages! The refrigerator quit, the air conditioner in the car pooped out and the washing machine died! It was a very expensive week! I did go to the laundry-mat today to catch up on some washing..we had been swimming or boating every day, coupled with lots of showers, the dirty towels were piling up!!!

My new washing machine is coming tomorrow, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to go to my favorite laundry. Located at the corner of 40 Highway and 7 Highway in Blue Springs, Missouri. It has been there as long as I can remember. When the kids were small, I could always convince them to go along. There were a couple of arcade machines, a candy machine and pop for sale. Mom always had a lot of quarters saved up for the trip, so the children knew they were in for fun...after they helped me lug the clothes baskets and laundry powder inside.

Today I brought my laptop along for the first time...much better then reading the outdated magazines left behind by other customers! I got some strange looks as I sat by the machines typing away!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

My new fireplace!

A lot of the gals in my camping group have been talking about putting fireplaces in their vintage know the ones, little electric, fake fireplaces that give off heat and ambiance!

Well, today I found the perfect fireplace for my 1959 Winnebago...and it was only $5.96!! The Salvation Army Store, my favorite shopping place, was able to provide me with just what I needed!! There is a little switch to turn on/off the red bulb that simulates the "fire"!! And the electric clock is working and keeping accurate time, although it sounds like it is sending Morse code signals as it ticks along...the sweep second hand moving smoothly, thanks to the miracle of electricity!!

I need to do a little research to find out how old it is....I suspect the late forty's, maybe early fifty' says "Manufactured Exclusively by the United Clock" Corp. Brooklyn, New York and the lettering has that vintage look!! If anyone has seen one of these before..let me know, I am curious about it!! I laid the modern night light next to it, to give you a idea of uses a little bulb like that light.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Turtle Soup

We were camping at Lake Jacomo this weekend and noted how bold the "wild-life" ( LOL) at the Park had become!! First thing Saturday morning the drunken campers that were in the site across from me were evicted from the campground by the Sheriff and the Park Ranger!! They were camping in a mini van from which they had removed the seats and were using them to lounge around the fire. At ten o'clock their site was quiet and peaceful....they were resting up from the party they had all afternoon and preparing for one that would last throughout the night!!!

I suppose someone complained...after all we all needed to be quiet and asleep so the huge raccoon could raid our trash cans! I swear, he was the biggest raccoon I have ever seen, living on all the some- mores and hotdogs left behind by campers, There was also a huge bunny who frequented our site, looking for the diet conscious campers who would provide him with a lettuce leaf!

This baby Snapper was really a find!! I saw movement on the road in the hot afternoon on Saturday.....I had plenty of time to find my camera as this little fellow was going as fast as he could, which was VERY SLOW!!! He made it to the grass..I am sure he was seeking relief from the hot pavement to the cool, damp grass!! I couldn't belief my luck when then I noticed the Lady Bug!! It gave such great size perspective to the picture....but I was curious about the intent of the Lady Bug...didn't she realize she needed to fly away, fly away, fly away home??!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

After the Storm...

Last night we got hit with a terrible storm...rain, thunder, lightning and wind. This morning when I checked on Mother Duck she was walking about our yard, looking at the carnage. Then suddenly, she flew off. There were broken eggs scattered about although the nest was still intact, with four dirty eggs. I am not sure what happened over night. Possibly the storm flooded the nest, maybe a snake found it, maybe a dog...there are many possibilities. Mother Duck has not returned to the scene of the crime this morning. I am wondering if she has abandoned the nest in fear of her own safety. I wish I could have offered more protection. My husband was sympathetic this morning, what he doesn't yet know....he will have to be the one to dispose of the eggs and nest, if mama doesn't return in the next day or so. I couldn't stand to do made me queasy seeing the duck eggs open and no babies. I am getting more and more squeamish as I age, what's up with that!? Being a nurse, I used to be fairly thick skinned, now I feel almost every ache, pain and sorrow, of others, to my inner core. I guess that is why God provided we could be absolved of our duties, to be able to "stand down".

COME ON RETIREMENT!! Unfortunately, I have a long way to go!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Still on the Nest!

Mamma Duck is still on the nest! I first discovered her, quite by surprise, on
May 28th. She is under my kitchen window...every morning, ever so quietly, I raise the window and peer down at her. She is well hidden in the fern garden aka weed patch, next to the north side of the house. It probably stays cool there, even on these hot afternoons. I have been vigilant about neighborhood cats and dogs, hoping to fend them off, if necessary. My husband has been repeatedly warning me...."often many of the ducklings "don't make it".

It has been ten days plus..I have no idea where we are in this gestation process. I have really enjoyed watching from a distance and have marveled at Mamma Duck's quiet patience and determination to see this through!! Will keep you posted and hope to be showing cute baby duck pictures soon!

Friday, June 4, 2010

"The Unsinkable Legend"

The Boston Whaler! Whalers have been a part of our boating life for a while. My husband was first introduced to the boat when he served in the United States Coast Guard. Later, when we moved to Lake Lotawana, we learned it was the "boat of choice" for that community. When sailing in Florida on our beloved "Serendipity", a 27 foot Compac Yacht, I discovered a 13 foot Whaler for sale in Naples, Florida.
When we arrived back in Kansas City, I loaded up the station wagon for a road trip south, to haul home the boat which I had enthusiastically convinced Doc to buy!

We had a lot of fun in that boat and then graduated to the bigger one you see here, bought at a boat show on another, not sufficiently thought out, whim! However, we never had buyer's remorse, albeit debtor's remorse, for that 10 year note we took on it back in 2005!!

We love her!! She is a great safe boat, especially now that we frequent the bigger, rougher Perry Lake.

Originally manufactured in Massachusetts, the Boston Whaler is now manufactured in Edgewater, Florida. In 1961, an advertisement in Life Magazine featured the 13 foot boat, sawn half-way through with a crosscut saw....still floating...known as "the unsinkable legend"! But don't attempt this at home, especially not until the 10 year note is paid!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Just Ducky!

Friday morning as I was cleaning my kitchen window, I splashed some water around on the window sill letting it run down the groove to wash out the dirt. I heard a startled "quack" and glanced down just as a duck flew up and over the house. A second look revealed the source of her concern..she had a nest full of eggs and I had startled her!! Closing the window, I went about my work and soon she returned to sit on the nest.

I looked again this morning, she is still sitting quietly and patiently, keeping her babies warm and cozy. It is going to be such fun watching and waiting for the ducklings. I generally dislike the mess they make around the yard, especially the geese, but ducklings.....that is something special.

I did a little Google research and found that Mallards are the most predominant duck in North America. The females usually lay 11 or 12 eggs and the incubation period is approximately 28 days. The males stays close after mating but once the eggs are laid and momma duck is sitting on the nest, he flys off to join the other males. Hmm..interesting parallel to some humans!!

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