Last night we got hit with a terrible storm...rain, thunder, lightning and wind. This morning when I checked on Mother Duck she was walking about our yard, looking at the carnage. Then suddenly, she flew off. There were broken eggs scattered about although the nest was still intact, with four dirty eggs. I am not sure what happened over night. Possibly the storm flooded the nest, maybe a snake found it, maybe a dog...there are many possibilities. Mother Duck has not returned to the scene of the crime this morning. I am wondering if she has abandoned the nest in fear of her own safety. I wish I could have offered more protection. My husband was sympathetic this morning, what he doesn't yet know....he will have to be the one to dispose of the eggs and nest, if mama doesn't return in the next day or so. I couldn't stand to do made me queasy seeing the duck eggs open and no babies. I am getting more and more squeamish as I age, what's up with that!? Being a nurse, I used to be fairly thick skinned, now I feel almost every ache, pain and sorrow, of others, to my inner core. I guess that is why God provided we could be absolved of our duties, to be able to "stand down".
COME ON RETIREMENT!! Unfortunately, I have a long way to go!!!
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