The Boston Whaler! Whalers have been a part of our boating life for a while. My husband was first introduced to the boat when he served in the United States Coast Guard. Later, when we moved to Lake Lotawana, we learned it was the "boat of choice" for that community. When sailing in Florida on our beloved "Serendipity", a 27 foot Compac Yacht, I discovered a 13 foot Whaler for sale in Naples, Florida.
When we arrived back in Kansas City, I loaded up the station wagon for a road trip south, to haul home the boat which I had enthusiastically convinced Doc to buy!
We had a lot of fun in that boat and then graduated to the bigger one you see here, bought at a boat show on another, not sufficiently thought out, whim! However, we never had buyer's remorse, albeit debtor's remorse, for that 10 year note we took on it back in 2005!!
We love her!! She is a great safe boat, especially now that we frequent the bigger, rougher Perry Lake.
Originally manufactured in Massachusetts, the Boston Whaler is now manufactured in Edgewater, Florida. In 1961, an advertisement in Life Magazine featured the 13 foot boat, sawn half-way through with a crosscut saw....still floating...known as "the unsinkable legend"! But don't attempt this at home, especially not until the 10 year note is paid!
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