Friday morning as I was cleaning my kitchen window, I splashed some water around on the window sill letting it run down the groove to wash out the dirt. I heard a startled "quack" and glanced down just as a duck flew up and over the house. A second look revealed the source of her concern..she had a nest full of eggs and I had startled her!! Closing the window, I went about my work and soon she returned to sit on the nest.
I looked again this morning, she is still sitting quietly and patiently, keeping her babies warm and cozy. It is going to be such fun watching and waiting for the ducklings. I generally dislike the mess they make around the yard, especially the geese, but ducklings.....that is something special.
I did a little Google research and found that Mallards are the most predominant duck in North America. The females usually lay 11 or 12 eggs and the incubation period is approximately 28 days. The males stays close after mating but once the eggs are laid and momma duck is sitting on the nest, he flys off to join the other males. Hmm..interesting parallel to some humans!!
Click on the Grooveshark link for "Rubber're the one"
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