Friday, June 26, 2009

" New" ( 1962) Cookbook!

"Why nearly 9,000,000 women cherish this cookbook" ( title on the opening page!)

As you know, I love Vintage and especially Vintage at a great price. Yesterday,shopping an estate sale, at the beautiful Lake Winnebago ( trailer is a 1959 Winnebago...seems I am drawn to the name, "Winnie") I found a Better Homes and Gardens new Cookbook. Remember that one? It has the red checked cover an the binding is the notebook type.. the one that has been recently re-released..but this one was the 1953,1962 (Third Printing) and it looked pretty old!!!!

The cookbook was only $3.00 and it is in excellent condition! But best thing about it, the hand written comments in the margins! Comments like......

" Good" written next to Gingersnaps

" Peanut Butter may be added" in blue ink, beside the Chocolate Crinkle recipe

" Very good" nearly illegible, by the Creme-filled Cookies

and then, the best of all, a tiny written recipe, an addition of icing ( yum) to the Toffee Bars which was also listed as "very good"

Funny, all the comments were in the cookie section! I guess the previous owner had a sweet tooth or a lot of cookie-lovin' grandkids!! I could survive happily on cookies.
I am trying those Toffee Bars today...postpone the diet one more day!!!!! Let me know if you want the recipe!

1 comment:

  1. Ok did we have to say "pretty old"? That is the very cookbook that I use and started housekeeping with. Purchased a newer version ( the '53/'62 is falling apart with food stained pages) and many of the recipes are not as good I found. Try the pie crust and apple pie it is excellent.
